What we offer

Responsive, user and Google-friendly websites.
Website design quickly, precisely and with high quality.


Layout design

We design your new website’s layout according to your needs, expectations of your visitors and the newest trends without charge.

Responsive web design

We optimize your website to be compatible with desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and mobile screens. A website suitable for every device is as important for your visitors, as for Google’s search engine.

Great user experience, easy to use interface (UX)

We design your website to be easy to use for customers. This way visitors will easily find your best content and all the necessary contact information.

Google-friendly site

We build your website to meet all requirements of the popular search engines. We program it according to the most recent standards and optimize its speed so that you could aim for the high ranks of Google’s result lists.

High traffic, efficient customer acquisition

We optimize your website to support your long term business goals. The appearance, layout and search engine friendly design will help your website to bring you, and your business more customers.

Extensibility and extra functions

We incorporate all functionality according to your needs. Chose from numerous modules (blog, newsletter, messenger, advanced security, social media integration, and many others) to make the bring out the best of your website.

Manage your website easily and effectively

We provide a simple administration interface. Your website will allow you to manage its content smoothly without any programming experience.

What we offer

Responsive, user and Google-friendly websites.
Website design quickly, precisely and with high quality.


Layout design

We design your new website’s layout according to your needs, expectations of your visitors and the newest trends without charge.

Responsive web design

We optimize your website to be compatible with desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and mobile screens. A website suitable for every device is as important for your visitors, as for Google’s search engine.

Great user experience, easy to use interface (UX)

We design your website to be easy to use for customers. This way visitors will easily find your best content and all the necessary contact information.

Google-friendly site

We build your website to meet all requirements of the popular search engines. We program it according to the most recent standards and optimize its speed so that you could aim for the high ranks of Google’s result lists.

High traffic, efficient customer acquisition

We optimize your website to support your long term business goals. The appearance, layout and search engine friendly design will help your website to bring you, and your business more customers.

Extensibility and extra functions

We incorporate all functionality according to your needs. Chose from numerous modules (blog, newsletter, messenger, advanced security, social media integration, and many others) to make the bring out the best of your website.

Manage your website easily and effectively

We provide a simple administration interface. Your website will allow you to manage its content smoothly without any programming experience.

5.0 10 reviews

  • Avatar Greg L ★★★★★ a year ago
    Fast and professional work, smooth delivery. Thank you!
    I recommend !!
  • Avatar Géza Kalik ★★★★★ 4 years ago
    A meglévő webshopom új arculat tervezését bíztam a BG Design csapatára. Sok „agyalás” után, remek ötletekkel álltak elő a fiúk. Megújult a logó, modern grafikai elemekkel jellemzik a designt és a menü rendszert is. Folyamatos kapcsolattartást és gyors kivitelezést kaptam tőlük. Bátran ajánlom másoknak !
  • Avatar Noémi Nagy ★★★★★ 2 years ago
    Tegnapról mára (!) javították fel a képeimet, szuper gyorsan, türelemmel egyeztetve.
    Köszönöm a gyors segítséget!
    Szívesen ajánlom őket. :)
  • Avatar László Jakus ★★★★★ 3 years ago
    Mindenkinek szívből ajánlom a BG Design csapatát és Blázsovics Martint, nagyon elégedett vagyok a munka minőségével, pontosságával, valamint azzal, hogy gyorsan, és folyamatosan kommunikálva dolgoznak. Ha a megrendelőnek nincs ötlete, akkor elkészítenek egy olyan verziót, ami segít a további ötletelésben, illetve pontosan visszaadják az elmondott/leírt elképzeléseket. A szervezetem számára honlapokat, szórólapokat, plakátokat készítettek magas minőségben. Csak ajánlani tudom őket! :)
  • Avatar Terjéki Dániel ★★★★★ a year ago
    Nagyon ügyfélbarát csapat, jó ötletekkel és kiváló kommunikációval. Precízen és a megbeszélteket teljes mértékben betartva dolgoztak.
  • Avatar Zsolt Varga ★★★★★ 2 years ago
    Nagyon profin dolgoznak!
    Mindent határidőre és a megbeszélt tervek alapján végeztek el már több alkalommal is.
    Köszönöm BG- Design!
  • Avatar Miki Hegedüs ★★★★★ 4 years ago
    Mindenkinektudom ajánlani a Blázsovics Martin csapatát.Kitünö munkát végeznek és minden a megbeszéltek szerint történik.Szakszerüen,pontosan végezték el a rájuk bízott feladatot.
    Aukciós weboldalt készítettek számomra szuper tempóban és elönyös áron.Utólag is szívesen segítenek,ha bármilyen kérdés,probléma merül fel.
    Rendkivüli csapat!!!!
  • Avatar Zoltán Nagy ★★★★★ 4 years ago

Website design prices, and packages

Prices of designing the website will be determined by the functionality and the extra content you request. We will provide you with the final offer after presenting the freely designed layout and consulting about the details.

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The process of developing a website


Request an offer

Fill out our offer request form. We recommend providing as much information as possible, attaching the existing content so we could give you a more detailed offer.

Consult with us about your expectations

If necessary, we will consult with you about the details and send you our preliminary offer within 2 workdays. The offer will consist of the range of the price according to the provided requirements.

Review the designed layout

With our colleagues, we design the layout of your website. We take into consideration all your expectations and design it to be fitting for your target audience and web ergonomics.

Contract with us

We prepare the contract and the final offer.

Implementation and production

After we started the development the progress can be checked on our online platform. We deliver the website by the date defined in the contract.